Release Notes
This page gives a brief status of our current development progress
March '25 Release (
Upgraded from legacy Light2D to Universal Render Pipeline
Most textures have been reworked
Shadow system and day night cycle reworked
Refactored how building roof system works to be more smooth
Added new settings for lighting, shadows and post processing
Moved display settings to their own tab
Migrated old 2D shaders to modern URP ones
Upgraded to Untiy 6
Upgraded to Netcode for GameObjects 2.2
Refactored all maps to use Unity Tilemaps for performance
Refactored project structure to safely expand access to more team members
Fixed bug causing enemies to cast skills when a player is not nearby
Fixed a bug causing Frenzied Fishman enemeis to never spawn
Fixed a bug causing stamina to reset when changing levels
Fixed a bug where players could sometimes dash out of a map
Fixed a bug causing characters to have the wrong skin after resurrecting
Minor Patch
The spirit spire now gains health when the player does. This includes all sources (potions, abilities, lifesteal, health per orb)
Max pillars/spires that spawn for challenges is reduced to 3 at a time (down from 5)
Challenge pillars/spires have their health reduced by 67%
Damage arena boosts have been increased in power to help you cut through the high level enemies
Fixed a bug causing pillars and enemies to spawn right on top of the spirit spire at the start of a new round
Fixed a bug in Heal Spells affix so it works now. Also, tooltips are updated to include this bonus.
Fixed Fortified arena challenge so that it takes proper effect now (+50% enemy health)
Fixed cases where "Hold the* *Ground" circle didn't cleanup properly
Minor Patch
Arena now saves checkpoints every 4 levels (after every boss)
Players can resume from the last checkpoint after failing
When resuming, you keep arena bonuses up to that level
At weekly reset everyone must start back from level 1
Frequency of cast for Wild Growth and Rock Barriers arena challenges reduced
Pickup Bot Ultra now picks up epic items automatically
Fixed some token metadata for pets
Minor Patch
Upgrade to Unity 6 and IL2CPP compiler for a perf boost
Feb '25 Release (0.18.1)
Arena V2 Release
Protect the Spire objective added
Hold the Ground objective added
4 new maps added on a weekly rotation
9 new challenge types added
Enemy level capped at 22
Additional challenges added (beyond 3) for higher levels
New Proof of Glory resource rewards
Kill Boss and Kill All objectives have a 15-minute timer now
Arena's use a common weekly seed now
Enemies now spawn occasionally during boss rounds
New titles added for stacking Renown
Added Class Trait System
First class trait "Tank" is added
Shields now require Tank trait
Shields now have Blocking affix which reduces damage hitting the front of your character
Added dedicated resource stash
Resource Chest NFT to expand resource stash size
Imperial Sovereigns have new bonuses to expand resource stash size
Crafting: New Gold Bar recipe crafted from 10M gold
Crafting: New Midas weapon skins
Crafting: New Spirit weapon skins
Crafting: New Nightmare weapon skins
Crafting: New Pickup Bot Ultra sacred upgrade
Crafting: New Radiant Ghost sacred upgrade
Crafting: New Schitt-Hedd the Second sacred upgrade
Crafting: New "Horns" resources from Demonic Horde
Crafting: New "Scales" resrouces from Cursed Tide
Crafting: New Ascended Relic salvage resource
New music track for the Arena
new music track for Rift quests
Social: Added ability to mark players as friends
Social: Added ability to mark players as blocked
Social: Basic profanity is now blocked
Social: Added logging for all chat messages
Bound/Unbound removed for arena/heroic keys
Drop logic adjusted to make it more consistent across item types (ex. melee vs bows)
Migrated to Enjin Cloud Platform
Updated to Enjin v2 C# SDK
Project adjustments to prepare for more team members
Summoner class is temporarily removed
Fixed a bug causing damage log to not track critical hits properly
Minor Patch
Loot flow control system added reducing the max drops of certain rarities over a period
Player stats now show loot flow control state
Player stats now show how many Enjinite are left for the daily cap
Enjinite profits now move to the royalty wallet automatically daily
Enjinite not dropped to players is now reclaimed as game profit weekly
Fixed a bug causing title to reset when changing characters
Fixed a bug screwing up your location when you TP at the same time as changing level
Minor Patch
New Imperial Sovereign perks added (including Renown)
New titles Baron, Earl and Duke added for holding Imperial Sovereigns
Titles now have rarities which change their in-game display color
Sprites from other players projectiles are now partially transparent
New configuration to set other players projectiles to unlimited, capped or none
Changed basic elemental weapon attacks to use a sprite-based projectile
Increased the collider size for basic projectiles a little
Drop notifications now go to the map channel
Fix tutorial which had it location coordinates broken
Fixed tooltip about duration of fire wall and fire maze abilities
Minor Patch
The server now saves player sessions for 10 minutes waiting for them to reconnect.
Heroic and Arena quests will pause and wait for reconnect after an unexpected disconnect.
Exiting an active round of the Arena while the server is in forced shutdown will reset the round instead of ending your run.
Players show a "Zzz" icon when AFK for 5 minutes now.
Gem purchases with ENJ now provide Bound instead of Unbound Gems.
Crowd resistance now considers all players in a level instead of only the ones nearby.
Fixed a bug causing some resources to display even though their stack count was 0.
Adjusted collider sizes for some projectiles to be smaller.
You are now limited to joining quests to only be 4 levels higher than you even if you created them yourself.
Minor Patch
Fix a bug causing keys to get deleted when multiple pickup calls are sent to the server at the same time.
Fix a bug causing the damage log to have the wrong timestamps.
Fix a bug causing projectiles to not get cleaned up properly and still be capable of hitting players for 5 seconds.
Fix a bug causing the summon cinematic for the demon boss to not work properly.
Fix a bug causing the elite marker for Rift Spires to not be visible
Fix a bug causing an exception when crafting keys
Jan '25 Release (0.17.1)
New Rift Realm region with 3 new maps for the Multiverse Events
New Reft Dwellers enemy faction
New Rift Dweller basic enemy type
New Rift Spirit strong enemy type
New Rift Spire immobile enemy type
New Rift Key for unlocking Rift Region earned from closing rifts in normal maps
Added support for APG-M55 multiverse item
Bad Bears Barbarian now provides stacking renown bonus
ForgeHammer multiverse item can now be equipped as a skin
Arena Rewards changed from Gems to Enjinite
Arena Rewards updated to pay Enjinite to top 10 winners
Arena keys no longer add to the arena rewards pot
New particle systems added for new attack types
Heroic cache community wallet contribution now added in Enjinite
Market now allows swapping Enjinite for Bound Gems
Balance: Crowd resistance for level 17+ increased
Balance: Critical hit chance capped at 50%
Balance: Rolls for Critical hit damage reduced ~25%
Balance: Difficulty of daily and weekly achievements increased
Crafting keys and resources no longer counts towards achievements
Opening multiple instances of the client on a single machine is now blocked
Minor Patch
Holding renown now reduces the cost of purchasing items from the merchant
Holding renown now increases the sell value of items when selling to the merchant
Added daily purchase items which are unlocked with renown
Reduced the max orbs per player to 25 without reducing the amount of energy they generate
Keys now have a level and cannot be used if your character is not a high enough level
Fixes for damage log when enemies have a % damage increase affix
Minor Patch
Add support for crafting Frozen and Glacial weapon skins
Add support for another secret collaboration (TBA)
Added a new bonus called "Renown" which is earned by collecting skins and will have future utility
Fix particle effects to not render on the minimap
Extend casting lines to be more visible for Ancient Yeti and Iron Colossus
Debuffs now removed while in town (to prevent poison from killing you)
New particle effects for volatile corpse explosions making them more visible
Stacking Aeonclipse keys now works properly
Added an official key to hide and show the UI (defaults to ']')
Allow camera to move beyond the edge of the map to help with cases where the UI blocks an area you need to click
Fixed a bug causing key presses to be triggered when you are reassigning a key binding
Allow unequipping Etherbound items when the inventory is full (with right click)
Fixed a bug causing the server to get into a bad state during the 20 minute shutdown period resulting in failures to change level for connected players
Right click to equip a pet now finds an empty slot if one is available (instead of always using the first slot)
Fixed issues with sprite packing which will improve performance and scaling for some items
Switched the title art to use a high def video instead of sprite captures which scales better
Changed pet collision logic to prevent pickup bots from getting stuck on each other
Fixed some issues with building wall colliders not working properly for light
You can now open your stash directly when listing items on the market
Increased the max downgrade resource recipes to 100 at a time
Minor Patch
Winter Essence drop rates increased across the board
Elite Frost Blight enemies now have increased winter essence drop rates
Balance updates to reduce armor and resistance across all humanoids (that have it)
Reduced the health of Alpha Yeti and Yeti enemies
Fixed a bug causing the Ancient Yeti to not have crowd resistance
Performance improvement on how the server manages items based on profiles from the test server
Dec '2024 Release (0.16.1)
Added new Frozen North regions with shore, inland and cave maps
7 new maps added for the Frozen North
Added new Frozen Blight faction with 5 new enemy types
New Yeti enemy type
New Alpha Yeti enemy type
New Frozen Wraith enemy type
New Frost Spirit enemy type
New Ancient Yeti boss
New Frost Key for unlocking Frozen North maps
Frost key can be crafted from other faction keys
New diminished stacking affix
New limited seasonal Winter's Light token
New tech allowing abilities to trigger their attacks at offset times
Added support for monthly multiverse quests with leaderboards and rewards
Added tech for in level events of which the first are multiverse rifts
Added 3 new multiverse enemies (Guardian, Master, Overlord)
Added support for the Multiverse token Mike
New affix for increasing the size of a players inventory
New volatile medallion token which can be earned on the test server
~20 new particle effects from player NotSure
Advancements in security to block and detect cheaters
Streamlined ability to suspend and ban accounts of cheaters
Burst Shot balance changes to reduce projectile count and damage
Ground Slam balance changes to reduce damage
Added support for armor and weapon skins
Refactored server memory allocation logic to improve performance
Removed space as a valid character for player names
New Imperial Sovereign perk to increase daily Enjinite cap
Refactored NFT market logic to be much more efficient
Added new logging and counters for tracking server performance
Added tech to override configs on specific server instances
Salvaging sacred and ascended items gives a new sacred cores resource
Oct '24 Release (0.15.1)
Added server wide chat channel
Allow disabling different chat channels
Added global notification when a player dies
Added global notification when a legendary item drops
Increase move speed for high level pickup bots
Added support for Soulshift Armor multiverse token
Fixed a critical bug from unity causing the server to hang in some cases
Added daily backups for players and items for security
Added a client message on the opening page of the client for notifying players
Improved performance of physics for the server
Balance fix so that Venom does not stack
Aug '24 Release (0.14.1)
Etherscape launched on the Epic Games Store
Added Ethereal Collars allowing for more pet slots
Added Enjinite resource which tracks ENJ at 1:100
Enjinite now drops for players during gameplay
Added Light Ghost pet with new use potion on death ability
Added Schitt-hedd the dog pet with +XP bonus
Added rotating daily bonuses
Added a new affix to increase critical crafting chance
Added a new affix to reduce enchanting cost
Added utility for Forge Hammer multiverse token
Added utility for the Shadowsong multiverse token
New Imperial Sovereign perk to increase daily bonus values
New Imperial Sovereign perk to increase crafting crit chance
New Imperial Sovereign perk to decrease enchanting cost
Added support for listing virtual items on the market for Enjinite
Jul '24 Release (0.13.1)
Add support for equipable pets
Added pickup bot pet which can be upgraded
Added WeHop multiverse pets
Support for Axiom Loyalty Token multiverse token
Support for Tramyarus Quarter multiverse token
Support for The Mask of U'thuchul multiverse token
Support for Stormwall multiverse token
Support for Primythical Chest multiverse token
Added ally panel showing the health of nearby allies
Added quick ability mode enabling casting without clicking
Added setting to always show player nameplates
Added damage log to track sources of damage to the player
Fix for major networking bug from Unity was shipped
Migrated from Coinbase to Kucoin for ENJ price reading
Fixed a bug causing enemies to wander off after losing aggro
10-20 other small fixes for bugs
May '24 Release (0.12.1)
Added support for world events that spawn at a specific clock time
Added caps for the max players in a specific quest / event
World events spawn multiple instances based on the number of players that join
Added the Clockwork Invasion world event
Added the Iron Colossus legendary world boss
Iron Colossus has new Binding Pillars ability which restrict movement
Iron Colossus has new Healing Pillars ability which heal enemies
Added new resource "steam cogs" which drop from Steam Brigade enemies
Added Steam Cores of 5 levels which can be upgrade in the Etherforge
New Clockwork Robot enemy type and player class
New Lightning Burst ability
New Nanobots ability
Bosses and Elites now have a stamina bar which depletes from crowed control events
Fixes to enemy damage calculations which were wrong
Fixes for achievement credit in some cases
Fixes for certain edge cases when minting items on chain
Added Armor Type and Weapon Type on chain data
Several other small and random fixes
Next Focus
Apr '24 Release (0.11.1)
Open Alpha is here. Alpha contracts are no longer necessary to log in.
500 alpha contracts will be burned to increase their scarcity and reward current holders.
Server queues are added to prepare for higher player volumes.
Queue power will allow you to get through the server queue faster. Alpha contracts give 10 queue power (not stackable) and Imperial Sovereigns give 1 queue power (stackable).
Idle players will now disconnect after 10 minutes (if the server is busy) to free up server space.
Private quests are now available for players holding 200 Imperial Sovereigns. They are able to specify a password on the quest to limit access
A gameplay Tutorial is now added to help players learn the basics after first joining the game. (Advanced players can disable the tutorial).
New "Journey" achievements are added which continue the process of walking new players through many of the game features and rewarding their progress.
New achievement types have been added into the pool for daily and weekly achievements.
New bonuses are added to Imperial Sovereigns and Heroic Marks to give double spirit shard chance.
Managed wallets are now supported. This allows players to create an account and start playing without having a self-custody Enjin wallet. (migrating from a managed to self-custody wallet will come in a future release).
Confirming your email address via the validation link is now required to log in.
Feb '24 Release (0.10.1)
Gem Market is live allowing swapping ENJ for gems and vice versa
Drop rates per enemy were adjusted to make sure higher levels provide more drops per minute played
XP per kill was adjusted to make sure higher levels provide more XP per minute played
Ability cooldowns have been added back.
Skills have been adjusted to have either a cooldown, energy cost or mix of both
New affixes added that can drop for items
Cooldown reduction is back
+ class ability levels
+ class attack skills
+ class defense skills
+ class utility skills
New AI tactics for some enemy types
Adjusting attack angles over time
Circling enemy
Teleporting occasionally
Dashing occasionally
Improved enemy group generation to add more variety of group composition
Demons and Redhorns have been merged into the Demonic Horde
Fishman and Golems have been merged into the Cursed Tide
Faction keys removed from crafting station (they still drop as loot randomly)
Skill trainer now can boost your level for gems
Imperial Sovereign bonus to reduce cost of skill trainer
Etherbound items equipped during death will be put into stasis which prevents them from being used again for a period of time.
New underworld dealer which can remove stasis early from locked items
Imperial Sovereign bonus to reduce cost of stasis removal
New Multiverse items enabled
Aeonclipse Key
Wanderer's Elixir
MvB Clan Tag
New attack patterns Pent, Hex and 6 Spread
Governance Proposal 4 passed. The Heirloom system will be added.
Governance Proposal 5 passed. The community wallet will be used to add bonus gems to heroic chests and arena.
Mines now won't trigger for 1 second after they appear
Fixed a bug causing projectiles to spread out unintentionally for scaled up enemies
Etherforge recipes now scale in cost based on item level (gem cost doesn't change though).
Characters are granted a short 3 second safety period after changing levels to avoid instant death
Salvage achievements now get credit for items of higher rarity than the goal (ex. You can salvage magic items to get credit for the common salvage achievement).
Fixed a bug allowing players to dash through walls if their move speed is high enough.
Performance improvements in physics checks, timed effect management and particles to improve client frame rate
Next Focus
Preparing for open alpha release
In game tutorial to ramp up new players
Support for Fuel Tanks and Managed Wallets
New multiverse collaborations
New events with exclusive rewards
Jan '24 Release (0.9.1)
Shipped the new Arena system
Use an arena key to start a new run
Arena keys can be crafted using resources and gems
Arena runs are broken into rounds. Leaving in the middle of a round ends your run (but you can leave between rounds).
Arena rounds still include permadeath, but you can town portal at any time to save your life
After each round completes new random challenges are added.
Every 4 rounds is a boss challenge. After completing the boss the level of enemies is increased for the next round.
After each round the player can pick a bonus which will take effect for them for the rest of their run.
For each 4 rounds completed you will earn a bonus chest. The quality of the chest depends on the level of the round you completed.
New arena leaderboard
After each round your rank on the leaderboard is updated
Each week the leaderboard is reset
The top 100 arena players receive weekly bonuses with gems being granted to the top 5
Heroic keys now come in bound and unbound varieties
Heroic caches now keep track of rewards separately for bound and unbound gems
Refactored heroic reward chests to give a different count based on the tier
Higher tier heroic quests no longer give better odds for the heroic cache (instead they give more chests which implicitly means better odds)
New logic has been added to prevent players from dying when they have a bad connection. If their connection is not stable for 1 second the protection will kick in.
Characters are now saved to a backup location when they die. This enables them to be recovered in emergency situations
New music added from Fermus for the shore and cave quests
Added support to hide your email on the login screen (by request from streamers)
Etherscape is now registered for streaming on Twitch
Bug fixes for ~15 issues found by playtesting and player reports
Next Focus
Several new multiverse collaborations are coming soon!
Preparation for open alpha such as managed wallets and the gem market
Skill tree reset functionality
Refactor the merchant for better usability and scale
Adding in NPC's and a basic tutorial experience
Dec '23 Release (0.8.1)
Exclusive seasonal event added for December to earn "Winter's Gift" using the exclusive "Winter Essence" in the Etherforge.
Community Wallet is implemented and accumulating funds for community initiatives. The balance of the wallet can be viewed in game be opening the wallet window and selecting the "C" button.
Heroic fragments now can be earned from heroic quests and forged into Heric Marks for account bonuses.
Added the initial support for the in-game marketplace allowing browsing items for sale in game and easily compare how they impact your build. Much more work is still required to polish this feature up.
Orbs now float towards the player until they are collected. Also, made major performance improvements to how they are handled on the server and over the network.
Massive balanced adjustments for high levels
The total health for enemies above level 10 has been dramatically reduced.
Enemies now gain "crowed resistance" when more than 1 player is near them. Learn more here.
Enemies after level 10 have a higher chance to drop items per each level.
The amount of XP required to get to level 10 and to earn a soul shard was increased.
Tuned orb drop rates to be more balanced especially at high levels.
The magic find bonuses for high level quests have been changed to be a multiple of your characters magic find rating instead of a static value. You can see the new amounts here.
Players are now prevented from joining quests which are more than 2 levels above or below their current level (except at level 10 there is no limit how high you can go).
Players "stun resistance" is now limited to the length of time they are stunned plus 1 second.
Enemies get "stun resistance" equal to double the time they are stunned for.
The average life steal that can roll on an item has been reduced.
The apply venom skill had its power reduced to be more balanced.
Server configurations have been migrated to a database to be less error prone and easier to update.
Old Ethereum based Enjin Platform code has been removed.
Push notifications are now hooked in making minting items in game faster.
Optimized the mail system to handle "global mail" that goes to every player in the game.
Fixed a long-standing bug causing players to get stuck in an attack animation loop without actually attacking.
Fixed an issue causing many skills not to trigger life steal.
Potions are now allowed to be used while silenced.
Fixed a bug in the energy per orb stat causing it not to work correctly.
Summoned enemies are no longer counted towards completing a quest.
~10 other small fixes for reported issues.
Next Focus
Support for Wallet Connect and a Gem marketplace.
Support for the Enjin Metaverse collection.
Improvements to Enemy AI types.
Support for fuel tanks.
Support for managed wallets (Open Alpha prep).
Some other secret goodies...
Nov '23 Release (0.7.1)
New quest variety requiring completing tasks on each level of the quest.
New quest task types
Find quest key
Find count of quest items from enemies
Kill enemies
Kill elite enemies
Kill boss
Open cursed chest
New "Cursed Chest" encounter replaces the old "Gold Chest" objective.
New UI show current quest objective progress.
New UI to pin achievements to track progress.
Added Heroic Quests which give Heroic Bonust Chest reward rolls.
Added Heroic Keys used to start Heroic Quests.
Heroic Keys can be crafted using resources including gems.
Added Sacred Legendary and Ascended Legendary item types.
Add new achievements providing utility based on how many Imperial Sovereigns your wallet is holding.
Added Titles which can be set from the inventory details window and display to all players in game.
Added new resource drops which provide random daily resources and are earned by holding Imperial Sovereigns.
Mini map can now expand to a large size.
Players can now put a pin in the mini map to path find for them.
Removed lighting from the mini map so it is easy to see the whole map.
Increased the difficulty of daily and weekly achievements and increased their associated rewards.
Crafting now uses a concept of "crafting power" instead of specifying the exact item level that will be crafted.
Item drops were adjusted such that level 10 items are rarer. Level 10 drop chance reaches 100% from level 15 and higher enemies.
UI size can now be adjusted from the settings.
Epic/Legendary items have special start icon on the mini map.
Gems now have Bound and Unbound varieties. Only Unbound gems can be sold on the market.
Reflect damage was balanced by adding reflect resistance for enemies level 11 and up.
Added safety prompt before selling items that are epic or better.
Enchanter now shows all the possible stats that could be rolled for a given item.
Attack power now shows both single and all projectile calculations.
Added a chat command to see the ping latency
~40 various bug fixes.
Next Focus
Platform improvements based on Enjin releases
Improve handling of wallet changes during gameplay
Add Gem marketplace
Add support for community wallet
Prepare the first seasonal event with unique limited items
Support for the Enjin Metaverse collection
Improvements to Enemy AI types
Refactor for energy and ability system
Balance updates for difficult and loot for level 11+
Maybe some other surprises...
Oct '23 Release (0.6.1)
New quest launching system with a full screen map
Quest keys added to influence quest generation
Level scaling up to level 19 in place (up from level 13)
New social window to view all players on the server
Added ability to teleport to a given players location
Added ability to whisper message a specific player
Clicking on a whisper message will automatically generate a whisper back message
New commands in the chat box including whisper and time
Revamped the settings window to make room for more options
Added ability to remap all of the keys based on preference
Added settings for auto salvage or auto selling items
Added settings for other preferences such as always showing item name tags
Debugged with Enjin and picked up new bug fixes in the SDK
New player usage metrics added to track game engagement
Added a bunch of new help window articles for new players
Added safety prompt before salvaging epic and legendary items
Tooltips now show the total count of their resource type where appropriate
Gold stack max size is increased from 100k to 250k
Right click to unequip and item added
Volatile ability was balanced for both players and enemies
Major fix to bug in poison damage calculation (poison will do much more damage now)
~20 bug fixes based on alpha player feedback and paly testing
Next Focus
Improve the variety of quest/adventure types
New metaverse collaborations
Improved utility for Imperial Sovereigns
New governance proposal
Whever else fits!
Sep '23 Release (0.5.1)
Migration to the new Enjin Matrixchain completed
Beam is functional
First loot drops have been distributed
Crafting station shipped based on governance voting
First recipes allow crafting items up to epic rarity
All tokens are now read by the server and give utility based on their token id and reserve
New help window that explains how to play the game
New Soul Jar NFT which grants +1 character slots
New Lucky Charm and Lucky Clover NFT's to grant magic find and gold drop bonuses
Summoning Power can now be rolled on random loot drops
Fixed stash duplication bugs and added new protection against this kind of bug
Fixed bugs in enchanting preventing it from working
Fixed bugs with items that have the legacy cooldown percent magic property
Fixed bug causing character stats to now always show up in the inventory
Next Focus
Metaverse collaborations
Improve the variety of quest/adventure types
Improve social and chat tools in game
Whatever else there is time for!
Aug '23 Release (0.4.1)
Added new skill trees to classes
Renamed existing classes
Added new playable classes unlocked with tokens
New stamina resource type for characters
You can sprint by holding shift
You can dash by pressing space
New resources type of energy
Skills no longer have cooldowns, but use energy instead
Enemies drop orbs which restore energy
New magic properties that items can be rolled with
Max Stamina
Stamina Regen
Max Energy
Energy per Orb Percent
Stamina per Energy (from orbs)
Health per Energy (from orbs)
Reduced Level Requirement
Summon Power (make summoned creatures stronger)
Summoned creatures now follow the character that summoned them
Accounts now have multiple character slots which can be switched between
The first governance proposal has been completed
Upgraded the Enjin platform to the latest release
Fixed a bug which caused resources to get duplicated when the inventory was full
Over a dozen other bug fixes for issues found in the July release
Next Focus
New crafting station (from passed governance proposal)
Improve the variety of quest types
Whatever else there is time for!
Jul '23 Release (0.3.1)
New mail system allowing delivery of messages and items
Failed minting attempts will now return items via the mail system
Luxury Merchant is now live accepting gems as the currency
First account upgrade items for sale are Imperial Sovereigns and Stash Chests
Large balance changes focusing on difficulty of level 10+
New level 11+ quests which provide bonus magic and gold find
Enjin Platform upgraded to the public release version from beta
Items listed on market can now be played with in game
Governance proposal for Sept release has been configured for voting in early August
20+ bug fixes
Next Focus
Add class trees which allow spending ability points for abilities and stats
Change the mechanics of how abilities recharge to use energy/orbs instead of timeouts
Get the community wallet bootstrapped for viewing
Jun '23 Release
Minting items using The Etherforge is now working end to end on Efinity
Added Gems resource which are required for doing blockchain transactions like minting
New achievements system with daily and weekly achievements. Achievements allow you to earn additional resources including the new Gems resource.
Added more attack projectile diversity to enemy types
Added many more cinematic moments in the game around death, resurrection, boss fights and minting items.
Captured gameplay for the trailer (to be released soon!)
Improvements to server release automation
New features based on alpha feedback in the previous build
Moving with arrow keys along with wasd
Show time left for the quest by the minimap
Show icons for active buffs/debuffs on your character and on enemies
TONS of bug fixes across the board. I won't list them all, but there are around 40-50
Next Focus
Add a mail system which can be used to distribute messages and rewards to players in game
Change the mechanics of how abilities recharge to use energy/orbs instead of timeouts
Get Luxury Merchant working on Efinity for account upgrades
Run the first round of governance voting to decide on a player driven focus area
May '23 Release
New enemy attack types including homing and grenade projectiles
Efinity login process working end to end
Official Efinity collection up and running on (beta link)
Improved server finder with more details including number of connected players
New server release pipeline improvements to prepare to scale up in Alpha
Servers will now automatically update and restart on errors
Improved validation checks during initial client connection
Got basic client setup running on Windows Store, but am investigating Epic Store instead
Large amount of play testing with significant balance adjustments
Large number of bugs fixed
Gathering content to create the first official trailer
Next Focus
Get alpha players into the game!
Incorporate Efinity features as they go live to light up beam and the Etherforge
Add a mail system which can be used to distribute messages and rewards to players in game
Change the mechanics of how abilities recharge to use orbs instead of timeouts
Filling out more gameplay features with play testing
Apr '23 Update
Got Efinity backend running with test items minted on chain
Released Item Explorer for viewing Efinity NFT's from The Etherscape
Added the ability to town portal
Added enchanter merchant who can adjust one property of an item for a fee
Added chat support for sending messages to players on a map
2 new cloth armor sets added
The world now runs on a day and night cycle in which 1 day lasts 1 hour in real world time
Added some improvements to the town map to make it more visibly appealing
Performance improvements to make sure server doesn't skip when loading new levels
All levels now have a timeout to complete them
Levels are generated in a more even distribution based on the level of the players connected to the server
Prepared the code to produce a client only build which removes unnecessary server functionality
Experimented with releasing using the Windows Store
Fixed ~16 bugs found during playtesting
Next Focus
Continue implementation of Efinity features on chain as they are released by the Efinity team
Change the mechanics of how abilities recharge to use orbs instead of timeouts
Get an alpha version of the client released (likely on Windows Store)
Prepare the server code for 24x7 uptime in Azure
Lots of play testing and bug fixes
Add a mail system which can be used to distribute messages and rewards to players in game
Feb '23 Update
Added support for governance with community voting using imperial sovereigns
Account creation workflow added for new players
Added new tile maps and blacksmithing sprites into the town
Enemies can now spawn as different elite spawns with increase power and better loot drops
Huge improvements to the map generation tech and new larger maps added to the game
New title art created to get ready to go public
Support for alpha contracts which grant access to the game servers in alpha state.
New luxury merchant that sells account upgrades
Added support for unity lobby to enable server discovery
Pre-work to prepare to release the game client into the public
A bunch of various bug fixes
Next Focus
Add Gems currency for players that don't want to procure crypto
Evaluate migrating to Efinity for blockchain support
Improvements to enemy and elite enemy variety
Improvements to quest generation variety
Increased player class variety with account upgrades
Jan '23 Update
Improved the etherforge to require specific recipes based on the item type
Etherforge automation improved to run touch free on its own server
Added Merchants to buy and sell items from
Added the ability to salvage items to get resources used in crafting
Attacking is now continuous when the attack button is held down
New account upgrades to increase stash size
Changed that way character movement and projectiles are interpolated to be more accurate.
Level ups now trigger properly and are balanced better
UI improvements for dealing with inventory / stash / merchants
Dozens of bug fixes from play testing on using the real server
Huge amount of balance tweaks from playtesting
Next Focus
Crafting to allow re-rolling specific stats on an item
End game missions above level 10 with boosted rewards
Champion enemy types with added difficulty and better loot drops
Nov '22 Update
Improved quests to have boss types which fully function
Got all types of abilities working over the network
Improved the way random items are generated to be more balanced and to include all property types
Made weapons able to have multiple attack patterns such as multiple projectiles
Damage now has multiple types including fire, ice, electric and poison
Calculate attack and defense ratings for items for easy comparisons
Show full stats for player on inventory screen
Next Focus
Get level ups for characters working properly
Add merchants to buy and sell items
Add salvaging to get crafting materials
Playtest to prepare for the first alpha release
Oct '22 Update
Initial game server is up and running in Azure.
Minting servers and login servers are successfully running in Azure.
Underworld experience of respawning as different classes is working.
Revamped the town experience.
The town now spawns randomly generated quests with a quest map for travel.
Most game abilities have now been converted to work over the network properly.
Next Focus
Get Boss encounters fully working over the network.
Improve the diversity of quest generation and enemy types used.
Add Dialogue to NPC's.
Get player leveling experience working properly.
Add multiple attack projectile varieties.
Improve diversity and randomness of properties on item drops.
Last updated