Submitting Debug Logs

If you hit issues while playing Etherscape you can send your client logs to the development team which can help us to debug and provide fixes. Below are the steps you can take to submit your local game logs to the team.

  1. Right click on the windows start button and select the "run" option.

  1. Copy the string "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\\Etherscape" into the window and click OK.

  1. This will open the file explorer to the games local data folder where you will find "Player.log" and "Player-prev.log" files.

  1. Copy those files and send them in a DM on Discord to SamTheBay with a description of what issue you were seeing when playing.

Unity will only save the logs from your current and previous play sessions. So, if you want to submit logs for an issue that you see, make sure to grab the logs before you start the game client again.

Last updated